Friday, October 19, 2007

Polo Rugby Gains Transparency in Site Update

Polo Rugby (NYSE:RL) recently opened up their seemingly transparent line of clothing to the world by releasing some of the newest in-store trends and rugby shirt patterns on their website. While store locations still remain scarce throughout the US, those not close to a Rugby store can now glimpse on the classic styling which the store has provided over the last few seasons.

In comparison, Abercrombie & Fitch's (NYSE: ANF) RUEHL No. 925 has not yet made the same sorts of accommodations online- forcing interested customers and buyers to seek out the nearest store.

We think that brand transparency is almost always excellent for mainstream momentum and the expansion- especially when the products are shown, but not always available for online purchase. A classic example of this sales model was Abercrombie & Fitch and their exclusivity to the US market- while Europeans could see the newest clothing online, they were not able to purchase it, leading to a higher product desirability. Of course, now that the Savile Row, London location has opened, American brand exclusivity and European unattainability has been compromised.

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